Sunday, September 27, 2015

The First Tim Hortons

It is located in Hamilton was opened on May 17, 1964. Tim Hortons was a hockey player who played 17 full seasons and 3 partial seasons for the Toronto Maple leafs. He realized his hockey career couldn't last forever, so he opened the first franchise restaurant "Tim Hortons". By the time he died at 44, there were 40 Tim Hortons. He was a gem in Hockey world and Tim Hortons restaurant has become part of the Canadian culture.
Today the first Tim Hortons restaurant has been renovated. The second floor is a museum of Tim Hortons and Hamilton history. 

第一家的Tim Hortons是設在Hamilton。原來Tim Hortons本人是一個職業冰球手,曾代表多倫多楓葉隊出賽17季及3年部份賽事。他意識到冰球手的生涯短暫,所以開始了第一間Tim Hortons餐㕔,在飲食業方面發展。到他44歲逝世時,Tim Hortons已有40間店了。他除了是冰球界的一顆明星外,Tim Hortons餐㕔更成為了加拿大文化的一部份。

這間第一家的店已經是重新裝修過的,二樓是展示了Tim Hortons和Hamilton一些歷史資料的博物館。

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