Thursday, May 26, 2016

My Victoria Day (我的Victoria Day假期)

We didn't go anywhere for the long weekend.  I planned to go to The Distillery District to complete my unfinished painting. However, the booths blocked most of my view. Went back to the car, I felt at least I needed to do something before I left. I saw a senior crossing the road with a walker rollator. I put her on my sketchbook, adding the background for her as well.

One of my favorite ramen restaurants is Kinton. We always go there whenever we come to the downtown area. I love to sit at the bar table and watch the staff preparing the ramen, using a fire gun to cook. 

Before going back home, we went to St Lawrence Market. I have found a good spot under the shade. It was not much traffic. People were walking the dogs, buying lunch. Everyone seemed to enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

在Victory Day的長週末,我們沒有像其他人出外旅遊,反而去了Downtown Toronto享受了城市中的清靜。本想去Distillery District完成未畫完的寫生畫,但因為那裡有活動,那些攤位都把我想畫的景阻擋著,一心來到,又不甘心什麽都沒有做便離開,坐上車之際,看見有位婆婆拿著助步車過馬路,便把她速寫下來,也為她配上了背景。


最後我們去了St Lawrence Market,在附近我們找到一個合適的位置,就畫下來。人和車也多,大部份經過的都是附近住的人,他們有的在放狗,有的是買外賣,每個人都很享受這個長週末的最後一天假期。

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

G Ross Lord Park

The sky was so wonderful this morning and there was no class for today. I decided to ask Monica for the Plein air painting together. We hadn't decided where to go but I didn't want to go to Too Good Pond again. Finally, we found a place called G Ross Lord Park. I am not good at finding new places. So we decided I would drive after hers. Not far from the parking lot, few cars went between us. I thought I was going to lose her track. However, she drove like a turtle and those "few cars" moved to the fast lane. We finally got together again. I have found that we have some kind of connection after this drive. When we got off the cars, we couldn't wait for a high five. The park is located at Finch and Dufferin.
We walked around and decided to drive to another end, to see if we could find a nicer spot. Finally, we picked a spot where we could see the creek and the opposite dryland.

今早天氣很好,又沒課堂,便約了Monica去寫生。還沒有決定地點,又不想再去Too Good Pond。找到了另一個地方,便是G Ross Lord Park。我認路不好,所以決定開車跟在Monica的車後面,怎料一出路口,便有幾輛車在我們早間,我以為她已開得很遠,怎料她以X速令她後面的車無法忍受到快線。最後我又跟到她後面去。途中也有些情況差點跟不上,但是我發覺我們頗有默契。下車時也不禁High Five一下。公園地點是近Finch and Dufferin。
