Friday, June 19, 2015

Toronto Botanical Gardens (Edward's Gardens)

Don Valley Art Club paint out again! It took me about an hour and half to get this done. I was struggling in painting the rocks and once thinking to give up the painting. To keep going, I painted something else and went back to the rocks. There was a lady stretching herself near the fall. I recognized it is Guo Lin style. If I were not doing the painting, I would have joined her to practice together. Sitting under the tree and painting this scene is awesome. A group of kids stopped by and shouting, some found ants and some around me and talking about my painting. The teachers keep reminding them to stay calm and don't push me. Yes! Two kids were so close and keep pushing me. I told myself this is how you become popular. 
The bridge over the stream was omitted and I simplified the background. Focus on the pattern of the rocks and water and the direction, it turned out not too bad.

這次是第二次參加Don Vallery Art Club的戶外寫生活動,地點是Toronto Botanical Gardens 又名Edward's Gardens。這裡有很多寫生主題,我也來過多次。今次選了這個溪流,主要是畫石頭和小瀑布。畫了石頭一段時間便有放棄的念頭,覺得自己畫得很亂!為了堅持下去,只好去畫別的先,再回來畫石頭。畫的時時,和小瀑布不遠處看到位女士在做伸展運動,細看之下,原來在練習郭林氣功,若不是正在寫畫,也會和她一起練習一下吧!



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