Highway 1 and 93 (公路一號及93號)

Highway 1 - Sketched this inside the car
Driving from Banff to Jasper, we needed to take Highway 1 and then Highway 93 when we were near Lake Louise. It was the most stunning 
Highway 93 - Done inside the car

The Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1) between Victoria (BC) and St. John's (NF) is the world's longest national highway with a length of 7,821 km. The midpoint of the highway is at Batchwana Bay, about 65 km north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. You will drive along the Bow River to Trans-Canada 1 and on into the forest and grand interior mountain valleys of Canada's first national park, Banff National Park. The elevation of Banff is 1,383 m and you can see the peaks of Mt. Rundle and Mt. Cascade.

There are some animal passes built on highways
for the animal crossing the road.
Highway 93 is also known as Icefields Parkway. It is the main road about 287 km which connecting between Banff and Jasper. You can assess the Columbia Icefield, Bow Summit, Athabasca Falls and many beautiful viewing spots by driving on Highway 93. We drove on this road many times at different times and on different days. The lights and colours of the mountains kept changing. The scenery was very dramatic. You can never stop taking photos. These are really the masterpieces painted by the nature itself. It has to be one of the most beautiful drives in the world, Banff to Jasper via the Icefields Parkway.

We stopped by at some viewing points to enjoy the nature and the scenery.

在加拿大洛磯山脈連接Banff及Jasper有兩條公路,一條是公路一號,是Trans-Canada 公路的其中一段;另一條是公路93號,亦稱Icefields Parkway。從Banff往北走一段公路一號,在Lake Louise附近再接公路93向北行,便可到逹Jasper了。公路一路是一條貫通加拿大東西方向的主要公路,是全球最長的國家主要公路,由西面BC省到東面St John,全長共7,821公里。中心點在安省的 Sault Ste. Marie的北面 Batchwana Bay。

在公路一號沿著Bow River一直向著雄偉的山巒及樹林駛進出,會到逹加會大第一個國家公園「Banff National Park」。這裡海拔1,383米高,你可以從這裡看到Mt. Rundle及 Mt. Cascade。

接上 Icefields Parkway (公路93號)之後再駛太約278公里,便可到逹哥倫比亞冰原(Columbia Icefield),弓峰 (Bow Summit)
阿薩巴斯卡瀑布 (Athabasca Falls)及其他漂亮的風景。我們在這公路走了幾次,但對多變的景色從不生厭。山沒變,天變,色變,不同的時間在同一地點,所看到的都不一樣,感覺也不一樣,就是大自然所繪製的大師級作品。

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